Friday, May 8, 2009

Twitter me (Just don't be too rough!)

Ok, so I've fallen in love with Twitter (clearly from my last post I easily fall in love with random things that will never love me back!)! I am so seriously a twitterbug! LOL. It's a great way to keep in contact with old friends and meet new ones. For the longest time though i had trouble figuring out EXACTLY what Twitter is! If you aren't on yet, let me attempt to tell you what it is to me. It reminds me of a message board meets MySpace/FaceBook status updates meets text messaging. Essentially you find friends and people to follow, then you communicate by answering the question "What Are You Doing?"

With all that said, when is enough enough? Next someone is going to come up with software we can plug into to and telepathically send our messages to friends. Sometimes less is more! Sometimes I don't need to know that you just finished throwing up cus you were on that Ciroc! You definitiely get those kind of messages on Twitter! Also am I the only conspiricay theorist that believes that having the world know what you are doing and where you are every waking moment isn't always a good thing! Sometimes people don't have any discretion when it comes to Twittering their indiscretions!

UPDATE: I just saw the picture of Rihanna on Twitter! And I'm not talking about school pictures, I'm talking showing all the goodies pictures! That's when you know Twitter can be dangerous! Too Much Information!
Nevertheless, Twitter me!

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