just got an INTERESTING piece of information - Jay Z, Rihanna and Beyonce were all INVITED to perform at the BET Awards. And according to our snitch they all said NO when they learned that Chris Brown would be performing.
The insider told,"Rihanna and Jay have tours coming up that they are having trouble selling - of course they needed the exposure." But the insider continued, "It was a matter of principal, if BET was willing to support Chris after what he did - that was THEIR BUSINESS. But [Rihanna Jay and Bey] were not going to have ANYTHING to do with the show."
And not having any of the BIG THREE on the show was a problem. According to Nielsen, this years BET Awards drew 15% fewer viewers than last years.
Beyonce' Jay-z and Rhianna all need to grow up. Chris' actions were wrong and he has been punished for that. Chris Brown is human just like the rest of us and we all make mistakes. I do not condone the hitting of anyone lbut at a certain time there needs to be forgiveness. Beyonce' and Jay-z claim to be God fearing people so they should be doing alot abetter about the situation at this point. Chris and Rhianna are both young and it's their time to live and learn. Beyonce' and Jay-z need to put those differences aside and stop trying to take away wat Chris has earned as an artist/performer even tho his relationship with Rhianna was not the best he deserves his respect in the entertainment industry. I think Beyonce' Jay and Rhi Rhi need to pray the boy cn only be fairly punished 1 n there contiuned actions are petty.