According to a source for close to Lopez, O’Neal’s wife, Shaunie, hired a private investigator to find the correspondence and after reading it she decided to to file for divorce. Some of the texts are below:
The texts messages, dated between Sept. 4 and Sept. 9 of 2009, were received on Lopez’s iPhone. One of them dated Sept. 4 at 12:45am reads:
Lopez: “I have always been good to you. I am a very private person. I never spoke about us to anyone. Ever! Don’t deserve that from you. I am not wining. I just miss you so settle down.”
Shaq: “Well just say that then I’m a c u tomorrow.”
Another text, dated Sept. 6 at 12:28am reads:
Lopez: “I hope you had a wonderful day! I wish you were here papi ;) “
Shaq: “Tomorro”
Lopez: “I will make sure I put on something very sexy for you ;) “
And another, dated Sept. 7 at 12:01am reads:
Shaq: “Hey baby I’m still wit da babies. I’m sorry I’m a c u when I get bak”
Lopez: “I think you are such an amazing person inside and out. I truly wish you the best in life. No one deserves it more than you.”
Shaq: “Thanks baby I will make it up to u”
Lopez claimes her affair with the basketball star lasted five years (during his marriage to Shaunie) and ended badly when she thought she was pregnant with his baby. Lopez says that’s when Shaq began harassing her, hiring a friend of his to fly to Orlando, Florida to track her down and frighten her into submission.
These are pretty tame compared to Tiger’s sexts, but when of these high-profile cheaters gonna learn to stop putting their bidness in writing?
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